Dan (mygod_itsfullofstars)

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    Richard Allen Cleary

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    Debriefing of Richard Allen Cleary, Stardate 87476.3

    Interviewer: [Steps through doorway and takes a seat.  Sets a PADD down on the metal table and taps at it for a moment, then looks up.]  Please state your name for the record.

    Cleary: [Clears his throat.]  Richard Allen Cleary, Captain, serial number VN459-T660RS3.

    Interviewer: [Taps PADD.]

    Cleary: [Clears his throat more loudly.]  I’d like to speak with the commanding officer of this facility.

    Interviewer: [Looks up from PADD.] Ah, yes, absolutely, Captain.  In due time.

    Cleary: With all due respect, Mr…ah…I don’t believe you introduced yourself.

    Interviewer:  I didn’t, Captain.  I’m sorry, but you must understand that time travel is neither easy nor straightforward for anyone involved.  We are obligated to make certain you are who we think you are and who you say you are.  In the meantime, we will take all necessary precautions to protect your time and ours.

    Cleary: I’ve been on this station for at least 12 hours.  If you don’t know who I am by now, I can’t say much for all your 25th century technology…

    Interviewer: [Returns to tapping on his PADD.]  Were you in command of the USS Exeter,... More

    by Dan (mygod_itsfullofstars) on 2011-09-08 02:05:37

    Finnegan's Wait

    “So this is the way you want it, eh Dick?”

    Richard Allen Cleary said nothing. He stood rock still, hands clasped tightly behind his back, eyes narrowed, staring into the broad face of the upperclassman hovering millimeters away from his own.

    “What now, Dickie boy?” He could feel the man’s hot breath on his cheeks and did his best to stifle the anger and disgust that were rising up inside him.

    “It’s so sweet that you’ve made a new friend.” The upperclassman—whose name was Finnegan—gestured with his chin toward the first-year cadet, still on the ground behind Cleary.

    Cleary had been watching Finnegan torment the poor plebe for weeks now, subjecting him to pranks, humiliating him in public. His latest stunt had involved a metal bucket full of ice water, balanced on top of one of the few old-style swinging doors left in the Academy. He’d heard the sickening thud when it fell and couldn’t stand by any longer.

    Finnegan smiled sweetly. “You and Jimmy make such a cute couple.” Then his expression was serious again. “So what now?”

    That was the question. Cleary felt his fists tighten behind his back. He’d seen plenty like Finnegan over the... More

    by Dan (mygod_itsfullofstars) on 2011-09-05 04:31:29

    Richard Allen Cleary official bio

    Richard Allen Cleary was born in a small town in northern Wisconsin in 2227. His mother was a ranger in the wildlife refuge that had been established around the North American Great Lakes region after World War III. His father was a carpenter who chose to work with traditional tools rather than modern technologies. Cleary’s early life was filled with woodland adventures and he learned to be self-reliant, to value hard work, and to adhere to a strict code of personal ethics. Staring up into the clear night skies, he also began to dream of further adventures among the stars.

    When he was 17, after failing his first attempt to enter Starfleet Academy, he decided to enlist as an ordinary crewman. His initial assignment was as an engineering mate on board the USS Stingray, an aging cruiser that had entered service in the final days of the Earth-Romulan war. The Stingray had been refit several times and it was filled with layer upon layer of barely compatible technologies. The ship’s chief engineer took an early interest in Cleary, and he quickly learned to finesse and, when needed, jury rig the Stingray’s systems.

    In 2245, the Stingray... More

    by Dan (mygod_itsfullofstars) on 2011-08-16 09:30:10

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