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    The Devil In the DNA

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    Part 2

    “Jim, meet Dr. T'Shia, and our guest here goes by 'Sky' near as we can figure. Permission to come aboard?” Captain Granger spoke in the quiet, gentle tones of one trying not to frighten a skittish animal. He clearly wasn't intimidated by the girl, and an amused snort from Crewman Shaikatra told him that the shen didn't regard the prisoner as much of a threat. She might have a singular gift for getting under people's skin, but her instincts had proven themselves in the field. For his own part, Kirk was inclined by nature of professionalism to err on the side of caution, but the cringing child on his transporter pad wasn't ringing any alarm bells with him either. Still... security protocols existed exactly for those moments when nobody thought they were needed.

    “Granted. Commander Giotto and his detail will see 'Sky' here to...”

    The Vulcan doctor had interrupted without the slightest concession to the high premium Vulcans usually placed on formality and proper etiquette. “My patient is no threat, and is under sever emotional distress. The presence of your security detail is heightening her anxiety unnecessarily. If you cannot provide me with... More

    by paynesgrey on 2011-11-03 05:47:11

    The Devil In The DNA: Part One.

    ***It cannot stay.  There will be Punishment.  They People From the Empty Places put fire in the Father's belly and burnt him screaming to nothing so he cannot punish It but there will be Punishment.  There is always Punishment, the World is made of Punishment.  It huddles on the floor behind pieces of the fallen, shattered sky and watches them gather their stolen Breed Things back to them.  The air starts to dance and shimmer, they start to return to the Empty Places, the Yesterday Places in groups of one hand and one finger.  It cannot stay.  It is better to go to Nothing than to stay.  It watches the People From the Empty Places, they take the broken and sick Breed Things First, the ones in red cloth and blue cloth stay till last.  It cannot stay, It cannot.  The last group starts to shimmer and danceNOWNOWNOW****

    Sometimes, just sometimes, these things bring good news thought Captain James T. Kirk as he reviewed the priority message from Starbase 29.  Usually when message traffic encrypted seven ways to Sunday came, he cringed inwardly with a general expectation of plague, famine, death, or Klingons.  Or at least something that ate... More

    by paynesgrey on 2011-07-22 11:29:28

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